Making a logbook entry is simple and fast.

You want to do this so that you rise through the rank and level system and your sailing resume and certification reflects your true experience. You can not gain a certification with NauticEd without logging your experience. Here is an article about the experience required for each rank and level.


Your experience logged can be any experience. Just be honest. It does not have to be with a sailing school. It can be with friends, by yourself, with a school instructor, in a yacht club race ... whatever. Your logbook gains credibility if you use the CrewMates Authentication function.

YOU CAN MAKE 100 PAST HISTORY ENTRIES IN 20 MINUTES -  so don't be intimidated by this task. We have made it extremely simple to do.

From your myNauticEd page (top left when you are logged in under the NauticEd Logo), you will see a big button on the left called logbook - click on that.

The first thing you want to do is set up your favorite vessels - see this page for setting up a vessel.

After you have set up your vessels click on Add Logbook entry.

Select the date you went out on. Note this does not have to be accurate. If you know the date then do it - if you are guessing just do the best you can. For example, if you are entering for last year or 5 years ago then first guesstimate how many days you probably sailed that year then how many probably in spring summer fall winter etc. Then make approximate as best you can entries.

If the trip was over multiple days then click the multi-day checkbox. It will ask how many days and nights. NOTE that nights is actual sailing through the night. NOT at the dock or at anchor. Multi-day trips appear in your logbook as such which is good information for a yacht charter company that you have done a multiday trip before.

Select your vessel from the drop-down and if you were crew or master on the vessel at the time or for the majority of the time.

You then have the option of clicking the Quick add entry button or continuing further optionally if you'd like to add more info about the outing.

When you go to make the next entry the system remembers the last entry and queues it up as the same so that you can speed up the whole process. All you will need to do is change the date.

NOTE: MAKE NO FALSE OR EXAGGERATED STATEMENTS. In the case of an accident and inquiry, if you made false statements, you could be held criminally liable for misrepresenting your experience.

Here is a detailed article on this same topic.