You can give a sailing course gift to another person. Just go to this page:

If you give more than $75, we will put $75 of credit into your own credit bucket.

If you have a NauticEd account, sign in and go to the Gifts macro button at the bottom left.

When you click the gifts button you will see this

  • The promotion code is where you create you own promotion code that you can give to others.
  • The My Credits Tab is for when you want to redeem and view your credits
  • The Gifts tab is for when you want to give a gift

To redeem your own credit, you just enter your own promotion code on the billing page. To see or create your own promotion code, go to your profile (click your name at the top right of the page then drop down to the my profile link ) or by clicking the promocode tab as in the image above.

If you have earned $75 credit for giving $75 of courses, you can redeem by using your own promotion code when you buy a course. 

To redeem, on the purchase page, click the  "click here" in line number 2. Billing information

NOTE: When you sent a gift, we only send your friend an email on the day you enter the gift should be sent. It's written into our software so you don't have to rely on our memory :)