What is SailTies?

Whenever you are out on the water sailing, the SailTies app available on iOS and Android will create a GPS real-time track of your every movement and display it on a map. You can see every tack, gybe, knock, and lift. The SailTies track data feeds directly into the student NauticEd logbook and authenticates your entry at the same time. You can review your track at any time in the future. You can also send your real-time track to friends and geotag pictures along the way.



What to do if your voyages aren't showing up in your NauticEd Logbook

1. My voyages aren't showing up

If your NauticEd history isn't showing up on the SailTies app, or your SailTies voyages aren't displaying on the NauticEd log page, you may have connected NauticEd to a SailTies account with a different email address.

To check this, Disconnect NauticEd and SailTies via the SailTies app (See Section 3, below). Then re-connect (Steps 1 - 4 above) and make sure you sign in to SailTies in Step 2 using the same email address you used to login to the SailTies app.

2. My certification isn't showing up

Your NauticEd certificate and SLC should be automatically synchronized to the SailTies app. If it does not show up, please contact us.

3. How do I re-sync my accounts?

If you need to re-sync your accounts, you can do this in two ways:

  • Via the Devices and Partners screen in the SailTies app
  • Via the My Logbook page on the NauticEd site

4. How do I unlink my accounts?

To disconnect your NauticEd and SailTies accounts, open the SailTies app. Open the 'My Sailing' tab and tap on the 'Settings' icon in the top right corner. Select 'Devices and Partners'. Tap on 'NauticEd' and tap the 'Disconnect' button.

For more information on this visit the support page on the SailTies website at https://sailties.net/blog/sailties-nauticed-guide