Yes - As of October 2024, you can gain an SLC-p which is valid for powerboats in the Mediterranean, the Seychelles, and the Bahamas.

To gain the SLC-p you need to gain the Bareboat Charter Master bundle of courses for Powerboats certification, have logged the required amount of boating experience* in your history into your NauticEd electronic logbook, and pass an assessment of your powerboat skills with an American National Standards Powerboat Instructor/assessor.

  • For USA citizens and residents, you must also pass your state boater safety card - free at
  • For Canadian citizens or residents, you must also pass your PCOC.

*The required amount of experience is:

50 days in total - 25 of which at least as master of the vessel and 25 at least on a vessel greater than 28 feet.

For full information see this page:

How to Gain your Mediterranean Sailing and Boating License